Distance: 5 miles (7.5km)
Ascent: 317 metres
Start/finish: Dalegarth Station, CA19 1TF
Head along the road towards Boot and turn R opposite the pub down a track, past Esk View Farm and the church to the River Esk. Cross and turn L following the riverside path up the valley and slightly south to Low Birker. Turn R here and follow the track to the road at Doctor Bridge. Cross and follow this road north then R onto the valley road to the Woolpack Inn (2 miles/3.2km). Turn L following the footpath between the pub and the outdoor centre up the fell to Eel Tarn. Pass this to the west then turn L at the path junction. A nice detour here is to climb the scrambly Great Barrow to your L, otherwise follow this path south-west and down the Whillan Beck into Boot. Turn R on the valley road to return to the start.