Hadrian’s Wall
Distance: 10 miles (16km)
Ascent: 458 metres
Start/finish: Peel car park, North of NE47 7AN
Turn L onto the Hadrian’s Wall path heading west past the trig point at 345 metres to Milecastle 41. Turn R onto the footpath here, crossing Melkridge Common to the road at Well House. Turn R on the road then L onto a path bearing R past Cowburn Rigg and then north to a path junction by a wall at NY 734690 (2.8 miles/4.5km). Turn R here then take the L fork off Gibbs Hill and continue along the southern edge of Greenlee Plantation to Greenlee. Turn R here and then L at the next junction, following the path to the north of Greenlee Lough across some fields to a path junction at NY 779707 (6.2 miles/10km). Turn R onto the Pennine Way and head south to Hadrian’s Wall at turret 37A. Turn R onto the Hadrian’s Wall path and follow this back to the start.