Esha Ness, Shetland
Distance: 4 miles (6km)
Ascent: 133 metres
Start/Finish: Esha Ness lighthouse, ZE2 9RS
From the lighthouse return along the road back past Loch of Framgord and then bear L away from the road onto the coast heading north. Follow the coast to the west of the Lochs of Dridgeo and past several sea stacks and arches. Continue north up the coast to the Head of Stanshi and around Croo Loch. Turn R inland down the east shore of the loch and then south-west past another loch and south to the Holes of Scraada. Run around to the L of these and then south past the Loch of Houlland and carry on in the same direction to the road and the outbound route. Turn R onto the road to return to the start.