Woodbury Common
Distance: 8.5 miles (13.5km)
Ascent: 329 metres
Start/finish: East Budleigh, EX9 7ED
Set off on Hayes Lane north-west uphill to the path junction at SY 051850 near Hayes Barton. Turn R and take the path north to the road at Yettington, turn R then L on the road and then R onto a bridleway at the edge of the woods (1.7 miles/2.8km). Follow this north then L at the fork and across the common to Woodbury Castle. Continue north then L onto the East Devon Way to reach the B3180. Cross and continue on the East Devon Way along a lane then bear L onto a track leading south through some woodland and back to the B3180 at Four Firs car park (4.9 miles/7.9km). Continue on the East Devon Way south-east to the next road, turn R then L, leaving the East Devon Way and taking a footpath south-east across East Budleigh Common. Join Hayeswood Lane back into East Budleigh. Turn L on High Street to return to the start.