Butser Hill
Distance: 6 miles (9.5km)
Ascent: 396 metres
Start/finish: Queen Elizabeth Country Park
From Queen Elizabeth Country Park car park follow the South Downs Way under the A3 and through the overflow car park into the large field below Butser Hill. Take the clear path uphill then turn R and follow the track past the radio masts to the trig point (1.5 miles/2.4km). Follow the path north down Ramsdean Down ridge to join a byway heading north to the road at Twentyways Farm (2.7miles/4.4km). Turn L and follow the road for ½ mile then turn L down Limekiln Lane byway to the car park at Cross Dyke (4.6 miles/7.4km). Turn sharp L here and follow the South Downs Way back to the top of Butser Hill then back to the start.