Oare & The Swale
Distance: 8 miles (13km)
Ascent: 120 metres
Start/finish: Faversham Station, ME13 8EA
From the station head north-west through Faversham to Oare using the following directions: Forbes Road west, R onto Roman Road, L on Stone Street, R on South Road, L on Napleton Road, R onto Tanners Street, fork L onto West Street which turns into Dark Hill, R on Priory road, L on a path past the ponds curving L to join Seager Road, then turn L onto The Street and follow this over the bridge and through Oare, taking to a footpath on the L (1.8 miles/2.9km). Follow the footpath to Luddenham Court. Turn R on the road then continue onto a footpath heading north-east across fields, crossing a road near Little Uplees and continuing on a byway to a jetty on the Swale estuary (4.2 miles/6.7km). Turn R and follow the coast path past the Harty Ferry visitor centre. Turn R at the headland following Oare Creek inland on the Saxon Shore Way. Turn L in Oare to return to Faversham via the outbound run to the start.