Bakewell & Chatsworth
Distance: 12.5 miles (20km)
Ascent: 661 metres
Start/finish: Bakewell station car park, DE45 1GE
Follow the road uphill, fork R on a bridleway across the golf course then uphill to the road. Head up the road or through woodland to reach Balls Cross Farm. Turn R onto a track and follow the path generally east but staying L to the lodge in the north-eastern corner of Calton Plantations. Turn L through New Piece Wood and follow the path downhill to the road R of Edensor. Cross and then follow the path to reach Chatsworth Bridge. Cross and turn L following the Derwent Way north to the A619 in Baslow (4.6 miles/7.4km). Cross onto Ealon Hill then L onto School Lane, R on Calver Road then L across the bridge. Turn R and follow Bubnell Road along the river, curving L away from the river and uphill to Hassop Road (6.7 miles/10.7km). Cross (CAUTION) and follow the byway uphill past the quarries to Moor Lane (8.8 miles/14.2km). Turn L and descend steeply to reach fields, crossing these and trending R down a dry valley and a track to the road in Great Longstone. Turn R and follow the road into the village, turning L onto Main Street, R on Croft Road then L to the end of Edge View Drive. At the end turn L down a footpath and out into the field. Cross this in the same direction to reach the Monsal Trail. Turn L to follow this back to the start.