High Willhays
Distance: 8 miles (12.5km)
Ascent: 541 metres
Start/finish: Meldon Dam car park, EX20 4LU
Cross the dam and turn R onto the Meldon Reservoir shore path to the far end and then up the West Okement River to the woodland (2.1 miles/3.4km). Turn L and, leaving the main paths, run uphill past Black Tor to the summit of High Willhays. Turn L here and take the ridge path to the more prominent summit of Yes Tor (3.9 miles/6.2km). Either run straight back to the start on the vaguely pathed north slope of Yes Tor, or follow the path north-east towards West Mill Tor but take the larger track L before the summit and run downhill to the track at Black Down (5.2 miles/8.4km). Turn L and run generally north-west back to the dam and the start.